We are proud to announce that our Equality collection is launching this Friday Sept, 15th and we at Landlocked Co. could not be more excited. This project speaks from our hearts and we believe is at the heart of our amazing city. Landlocked is a Kansas City Company, but Landlocked is supported by people from all over the world and its founders were born in Canada and raised in Africa.
Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas are becoming one of the most diverse, largest growing cities in the world. Every decade has brought new expansions and a broader appeal to new inhabitants and businesses as well as more opportunity for rooted families. It has not forgotten its farming roots, nor has it remained stagnant; but has instead opened its arms to accept the incredible blessing of diversity and equality among as many people as possible. It is a place where I am proud to call home to anyone in the world.
It is a home where its citizens strive to make it a city that is comfortable for any gender, any class, any religion, any color, any body type, any opinion can express themselves and seek the "American dream."
However, this culture of acceptance, is still young. It is fragile and it is cultivating in the heart of people that wake up every day, with the ambition to share kindness and make a difference.
"The most fulfilled people are those that get up every morning and stand for something larger than themselves. " --- Wilma Mankiller First Female Chief of the Cherokee Nation
Making a difference is difficult though, especially in a climate filled with confusion, fear and even hate. It is easier to cocoon yourself in the normal atmosphere of complacency, or to believe that the world will never accept you. However, conflict, and love, and bravery do make a difference. One kind word, can change someone’s entire life, and if you don't believe ask around, try it. We believe at Landlocked that we need to send out a message every day.
The way we live our lives, the clothes we wear, the words we say, the smiles we share reflect us and influence the world around us.
Choose love, choose kindness, choose EQUALITY.